Advanced Installations

Changing the RESTfm folder name

The RESTfm folder in the Web Server root may be renamed. Some additional configuration changes will be necessary.

  • In RESTfm.ini.php, set baseURI to the sub-folder where RESTfm is installed to, relative to the web root. The default is /RESTfm.
  • If using Apache, also set RewriteBase in .htaccess to match the configured baseURI.

Manual installation of the FileMaker PHP API

When installing RESTfm on Linux, or where a specific version of the FileMaker PHP API is needed, the API may be unpacked into the FileMaker folder under RESTfm/FileMaker. RESTfm will try to use this version first before others found to be installed on the system.

  1. Locate the zip file from the FMS deployment: FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\
  2. Unzip into the RESTfm/FileMaker folder. This will create a RESTfm/FileMaker/FileMaker.php file and a RESTfm/FileMaker/FileMakersub-folder.

Note: The FileMaker PHP API must be the same version as the FileMaker Server. API files from a different version of FileMaker Server are not compatible.

Connecting to FileMaker Server installed on a different system

  • In RESTfm.ini.php, ensure hostspec is set with the appropriate URL to connect to the FileMaker Server. The default value of "" will work for a single machine FileMaker Server install.

RESTfm on Linux with Apache

Linux works well as a web services front-end system, connecting to a FileMaker Server back-end system.

  • A minimum of PHP 5.2.11 with Apache 2 web server are required.
  • RESTfm provides .htaccess files for use with Apache. The Apache server must support mod_rewrite, and have 'AllowOverride All' enabled for the directory that RESTfm is installed to.
  • A manual installation of the FileMaker PHP API will be needed as described above.
  • Browse to the RESTfm report page: http://localhost/RESTfm/report.php
    • The report page will provide advice on configuration changes. If any errors are reported, start by correcting the topmost error first, and reloading the page after addressing each.

RESTfm on Linux with Nginx

The Nginx webserver may be used in place of Apache on Linux.

  • To ensure URI redirection to RESTfm.php, the following must be added to the server{} section of the Nginx site configuration file:
    location /RESTfm/ {
        try_files $uri /RESTfm/RESTfm.php?$args;
  • A manual installation of the FileMaker PHP API will be needed as described above.
  • Browse to the RESTfm report page: http://localhost/RESTfm/report.php
    • The report page will provide advice on configuration changes. If any errors are reported, start by correcting the topmost error first, and reloading the page after addressing each.
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